Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gr 12 Module 1.2

The file Computer Adverts 2009 is available and the solutions to the module.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rules of my room

In all humility I share with you the PPT that I used with my classes at the beginning of the year. Maybe you can get ideas from it and create and use your own.

Friday, January 16, 2009

PowerPoints on CDs

The CDs from Study Opportunities have PowerPoints and lesson plans, etc. as well as data files. Western Cape schools only start next week but training / enrichment workshops are already taking place, during the teachers’s holidays! At a CAT course one of the teachers showed me how she had adapted the PPTs adding text and images. Most impressive!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Competition / Vocabulary

It became apparent from marking the Gr 12 Written examinations in 2008 that many learners have difficulty expressing themselves when answering examination questions and explaining things. In order to improve matters and hence the matric results in 2009, I propose that learners in class be encouraged to verbally define or explain computer terms:
  • In their own words.
  • Clearly and logically
  • Without the use of hands
To further encourage learners I propose that teachers from designated provinces get their learners to practice defining specified words in their own words, clearly and logically without the use of hands, and then create a sound or video file saying it. Then teachers can send me at this file by a specified date as an email attachment to be uploaded and listened to / viewed from the blog.
How cool to have a link to a sound file / video by a learner!

Remember, using quality reference material invariably results in a quality product, i.e. use computer dictionaries, textbooks, etc. to get the correct definitions, but it must be in the learner’s own words.

  1. Any teacher/school from a designated province may send a file.
  2. If no teacher/school from the province sends the file, it will be published that no one from that province submitted a file.
  3. The file must be submitted via the teacher on behalf of the learner and school.
  4. A school may only submit one file (else my mail box may crash).
  5. Teacher guidance is encouraged to attain a good product.
  6. It must be ONE learner defining the word/s and not a group, ensemble or choir.
  7. The name of the learner, school and province must be sent with the file, to be added with the file.
  8. The selected file will be chosen by me and my decision will be final.
  9. There is and will be no payment to the learner/school, and no learner/school will be charged to have their file on the blog.
  10. Learners will lose their rights to the copyright of the material the moment it is uploaded, so must not be surprised to find the sound or video file being viewed across the country.
  11. The work must be in English or Afrikaans, the language of the examination papers.
  12. The file must be less than 10 MG in size.
  13. The sound file should preferably be mp3 format. I have found the free software Audacity, the best for recording and editing sound files.
  14. A digital camera or a video camera must be used for the video clip, not a cell phone.
Here are the words, provinces and dates.
Term – Define, or give the difference between … - Province - Due date
Absolute and relative cell references - Western Cape - 30 Jan - NOTHING submitted
Icon and thumbnail - Northern Cape - 6 Feb
Mailmerge - North West Province - 13 Feb
Memory and storage - Mpumalanga - 20 Feb
Office suite - Limpopo - 27 Feb
Open source and proprietary software - KwaZulu-Natal - 6 March
Server and computer - Gauteng - 13 March
Template - Free State - 20 March
Text file - Eastern Cape - 27 March